2020: The Great Pause

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We are all hearing 2020 referred to as "the worst year ever". Phrases like "Good riddance 2020! Hello 2021" have gained traction across social media. But before we slam the door on 2020, I encourage you to stop and think about everything that this year has taught you. If I had to bet, I'd say that this past year has been one of the toughest of your life, but it has also been among the most important. For me, the lessons I've learned, the challenges my teams have faced, the struggles we've overcome - they all have played a part in making me – and my team - the people we are today.

To some, 2020 has been viewed as a marathon of never-ending challenges. But to me, it has opened my aperture to possibilities and has affirmed that I can achieve greatness even during the toughest of times. I have heard 2020 referred to as the ‘Great Pause’ and I have to agree. This pause caused my crazy life to come to a halt, in a positive way. Overnight, my travels stopped, my patient flow stopped, and my independent projects stopped. That allowed me to intently focus on what was in front of me- my family, my patients, and my team. It stripped away the white noise that had come to consume my life and provided a clearer perspective of what is most important.

The great pause has also taught me that I can not only survive but thrive even in the face of adversity. When an unseen virus shut down the country, I decided to view this obstacle as an opportunity because it gave me more time.  I found a way to reconnect with my patients, refocus my business and excel. My offices came through the pandemic stronger and more resilient than ever before. My team was completely dismantled (not by choice) and I had to rebuild it from scratch. We are now stronger and more efficient with improved patient outcomes and satisfactory scores. I had to learn to do more with less; rely on myself rather than others. I have focused on and improved my health all because I have more TIME. Time is the most precious commodity we have, and the Great Pause gave us more of it. 

I had a conversation with a patient the last week of December who said, “The pandemic either caused you to be a chunk, a hunk, a drunk, or a monk and the result was up to you.” His comment caught me totally off guard but is completely accurate. We all know people who thrived during this tough year while others seemed to unravel. I have found it is all in your perspective- did you view the Great Pause as an opportunity or an insurmountable mountain? I challenge each of you to find opportunities in every obstacle you face in 2021.

As we move into 2021, the challenges we've encountered will continue to shape us, not only as dentists/healthcare providers but as individuals and members of our greater community. 

I invite each of you to join me and take a moment to reflect and acknowledge the important and very powerful role that perspective plays in our lives. Accept and embrace that, ultimately, it is up to you to make sure that 2021 is for the better.

If you need help transforming the lessons of this year into successes, then please reach out. I’d be pleased to add you to the conversation. I would be honored to help make 2021 and beyond some of the most successful and rewarding of your life.


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