Online Courses

Deepen your knowledge of the mouth-body connection.

Resources for all dental health professionals looking to deepen their understanding of how oral health impacts overall wellness and reproductive health.

The Mouth Fertility Connection

What you’ll discover in this course:

1. The Critical Role of Oral Health in Fertility and Pregnancy Outcomes

Learn about the deep connection between oral health and fertility, understanding how conditions like gingival disease can dramatically affect reproductive success and pregnancy health. I highlight how inflammatory responses from poor oral health can lead to complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

2. Identification and Treatment of Key Oral Pathogens

Dive into the specifics of the oral microbiome and its impact on the reproductive system. Gain invaluable skills in identifying and managing pathogens known to affect conception and pregnancy, such as Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis, which are crucial for improving patient care and treatment outcomes.

3. Best Practices for Dental Treatment During Pregnancy and Fertility Treatments

Equip yourself with knowledge on safe dental practices during pregnancy, exploring non-invasive treatments and preventive strategies to support your patients' health through their fertility journey. This includes understanding the safe use of anesthetics, antibiotics, and which treatments to avoid.

Monsters in Your Mouth: Oral Systemic Health and the Future of Dentistry

🔍 Here are the top 3 things you’ll learn in this game-changing course:

1. The Oral-Cancer Connection: Did you know that your oral health could be a crystal ball into your risk for certain types of cancer? It sounds startling, but knowledge is power! You'll learn about the direct link between oral bacteria and conditions like pancreatic cancer, and how periodontal health can influence cancer risk. This stuff is groundbreaking, and Dr. Lee walks you through it with her expert insights.

2. Breathe Easier with Healthy Teeth: Ever thought your mouth could affect your lungs? Discover how oral health plays a part in respiratory wellness. You'll dive into the details of how managing gum disease could mean fewer lung infections and reduced inflammation—a win-win for your breath of fresh air!

3. Prevention Is the Best Cure: Dr. Lee is passionate about not waiting for a wake-up call. She'll guide you through early intervention strategies for periodontal disease, gingivitis, and cavities, and introduce you to the latest technologies like CBCT and salivary testing. Plus, you'll learn how this preventative approach could mean fewer hospital visits for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes patients – now that's something to smile about.

If you and your team aren’t already subscribed to Dentalflix, now’s the perfect time to join. Gain access to a wealth of resources and courses designed to empower dental professionals by signing up here:

Saved by the Mouth

This book by Dr. Katie Lee educates patients on how improving oral health can impact overall health, wellness, and longevity.

If you’re looking to increase productivity and profitability for your practice, schedule a consultation today to learn more about how we can work together to grow!